Friday, October 2, 2009


Yay, Friday!

Humanities 8
Today we had our educational "free time"....the kids earned it!
B block had a mini writing lesson on writing territories. It went really well, I'm impressed with the variety of topics that came up, we'll add to this next week.
D block chose to watch a movie...

Assignments that are overdue at this point: comic strips and Geography title pages.

We had tea time today...I brought in some local herbs/plants and we made tea from them. I think it was a hit! Especially the stinging nettle tea. We might have to have another tea day. We also talked about the traditional uses of these herbs and their medicinal values to aboriginal people.

We also finished the chapter 2 notes, which are due Monday.

Attendance is becoming an issue for some students in FNS12, it's really important that everyone attends each class, you miss so much of the valuable discussions and lessons when you are away.

Have a great weekend everyone, it's going to be a sunny one!