Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vote for Keisja Cox!

A student of mine, Keisja Cox is currently in the top 20 in a CBC radio Searchlight contest.  I think we should all support her!  Go to http://music.cbc.ca/#/Searchlight-All-Points-West and scroll down until you see her name and hit "VOTE".  It's a beautiful song she wrote and recorded.  You can vote every day too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome BC First Nations 12!

Good afternoon!  Wow, what a great long weekend.  I hope everyone enjoyed BC's first Family Day.

A huge welcome to my BC FNS 12 class, I'm so excited to teach this class again.  We have had a fabulous start, this class is fantastic.  Lots of great questions and engagement.

Here's some videos I've shown that answer some questions that come up early in the course.

This is Wab Kinew, an Aboriginal rapper and all around cool guy...check him out.

This is the first in a 4 part series:  Aboriginal History - Did you know?

I haven't given a whole lot of homework yet...stay tuned, there will be some coming soon.  We are starting Chapter 1 this week...all about the LAND!