Sunday, April 24, 2011

Long weekend marking marathon!

Here's a few highlights from my marking marathon this weekend...the projects are so good, its taking me so long to read them! Great job folks.

Boxes of projects, there's another box at school that's already been marked!

This one made me laugh out loud a number of times! Well done JG!

This one had lots of neat details throughout the project, lots of fun to read. Awesome JvE!

I still have many more to mark and many more highlights to come!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter/Long Weekend!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Humanities 8

We've had a great time learning about Feudalism in the middle ages so far. Yesterday students performed skits on life of a child in the middle ages...grim. Now we are looking at the role of women.

Overdue items to look for:
-Trip Around the World Projects (2 weeks overdue)
-Middle Ages title page (1 week overdue)
-Courage poster

Tomorrow "The Role of Women in the Middle Ages" is due.

We are on the front of WWII....researching for our "Box in the Attic" projects. Next week we will finish WWII and have the chapter test. Notes and questions will be due the day of the test.

Report cards are coming home tomorrow.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Humanities Week: the Faces of Courage

This week is a very special week at Isfeld, it's Humanities Week. Our theme this year is "Faces of Courage".

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney

Here's some inspiration for our Courage projects this week:

Courageous or crazy?

Dr King's famous speech.

An 11 year olds courageous mission: to become an organic farmer.

We're going to need some courage if we're going to save this planet.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Trip Around the World Projects!

The projects are looking fantastic! We will celebrate our trips next week. The due date for the Trip Around the World Project is WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th, 3:30pm.