Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Long overdue update

Wow, time flies...much like the snow right now.  Here's a long overdue update for you.

2 weeks ago, Mr Warren, my student teacher started his official teaching with the grade 9s.  He's learning a lot and will be back in February for round 2. He will be teaching one Humanities class a day.

Last week I was home recovering from minor surgery.  I left my students in the capable and awesome hands of Mr Merrick, who was my student teacher last year.  I'm now back at school, almost fully recovered and very thankful to my students for their get well wishes and kindness shown towards me this week.

Now we are in our last week of school.  I've had several requests for homework packages for students leaving early on holidays or coming back later in January.  I generally don't give homework packages as they rarely get done and they take me hours to prepare, and some students have only given me a day or less notice.  We have x-block at our school for catch up time, and I'm available most lunch hours to help students.  So I will be working with students in January to help them get caught up.  Please contact our school admin if you have any questions about our school "holiday policy".

Contrary to popular belief, we are still having classes as usual this last week of school, we are teaching lessons and doing work for marks, so students should be here in class (unless they are sick or you are snowed in). 

I wish you a very wonderful holiday and a Merry Christmas (for those of you who celebrate).  Have fun and see you in January 2013!