Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Humanities 9 Presentations!

The Humanities 9 classes will be doing some awesome teaching presentations next week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (March 18-20).  Then on March 21 is the Revolutions test (aka Celebration of Learning).  And finally on March 22 the students stories will be due...we've been working on these stories for a couple of months in our writer's workshops.

A note about cell phones...they aren't needed in any of my classes.  I ask the students to keep them out of sight when they are in my classroom and they are not to use them in class.  However, high school students can be very clever in their usage of cell phones under desks, inside purses, hidden in binders, etc.  If you find that your child is texting you during class, please know that it is against my classroom rules.  If there is an emergency, I will allow your child to leave the classroom to call you.  Thanks!