Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Humanities 9
We finished the Canadian Geography unit yesterday, although we will still be using the information we learned in the next few units we are stydying.  We had our unit test yesterday as well, some great results!

We are now studying Aboriginal people in Canada BEFORE contact.  In the next week or so, students will be working on a vocabulary list and notes on the Aboriginal people in Canada pre-contact.  I have arranged for a number of guest speakers to come in and talk about Aboriginal food, shelter, clothing, cooking, dog sledding (hopefully), medicine.  We are working towards a very cool project where I send my students back in time to study an Aboriginal group before contact.  It's going to be great!

Socials 11
The Great War is now over and we are now experiencing the crazy fun times of the Roaring 20s.  Overdue homework to look for includes:
-chapter 2 review package (vocab and questions)
-chapter 2 timeline notes
-WWI mini-research project
-Postcards from the Trenches