Friday, March 2, 2012

While the teacher's job action is occurring, students can continue to read and research about our topics we are studying.

Humanities 8
Do some research about something that interests you in the Middle Ages. We'll be doing an independent study project at the end of the unit, so you can get going on your topic now. You can also research catapult and trebuchet designs for our future construction plans.

Humanities 9
Keep going on your novels. Go to the public lirary to get another one if you finish yours. Look up the issues that are mentioned in your book: AIDS, child labour, slavery, child soldiers, etc. There's a lot to be learned about all of these issues. Start thinking about a project you might want to take on after this novel study, Ryan's Well, Free the Children, A Day for Africa, etc. So many great things we can do to help!

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