Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

It was great to see everyone today! It sounds like lots of you had some great holiday adventures. I'm very happy to hear about all the books that were under the tree this year, some great reading ahead.

Here's what's coming up for us in the Kingdom of fun:

Humanities 8
We are starting the Holocaust novel study. A letter went home today to parents/guardians, please have a look for it. Students will be signing out novels this week. Each week starting next week and for the next 4 weeks, students will be responsible for reading at least 1/4 of their novel, completing a Reading Response, and participating in a discussion group. It's a pretty powerful unit, lots of deep thinking will be coming up.

Humanities 9
Today we introduced the idea of "Revolution". We did 4 vocab words today and watched 4 clips on the 4 revolutions we will be studying: the French Revolution, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. Tomorrow students will be choosing one revolution to study and present to the class at a later date.

I hope 2012 is a great year for everyone!

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