Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Lots of great ghosties and goblins out and about today for Halloween. It's also Mr Merrick's first day of his practicum with my grade 8s! Talk about trial by fire.

Here's an update on what we are up to these days in Humaities 8 and 9.

8's are still working on their Trips around the World. Mr Merrick and I will come up with a due date in Thursday's class when we conference with each student. The themes this year are some of the most creative I've seen and there's been a great work ethic so far. I'm really pleased with this group of 8's.

The 9's are enjoying a number of guest speakers. We had Barbara Whyte in to talk about traditional food, herbs and medicines. Gord McMahon spoke about myths, stereotypes and the portrayal of Aboriginal people in the media. Suzanne Camp showed us how Aboriginal people made their clothes with cedar and furs. This week we'll have Daryle Mills in with his sled dogs and Suzanne Camp will be back to tell us about making traditional household goods. It's been a great learning experience for us all.

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