Monday, December 14, 2009

Humanities 8
Today was the first day of our amazing presentations!!!!!!!!! What a great start. All the students that presented today were well prepared, well spoken and taught us some pretty cool stuff about World Beliefs. Thanks for all the parental support at home!

If tomorrow is a snow day, the teams that were to present will do it Wednesday and the teams that are supposed to go on Wednesday will go on Thursday.

Today we played the "Colonial Game" where the class was divided into 3 groups, Aboriginal children, Aboriginal adults and Colonial Agents. The children were to decide which group they wanted to side with: the Aboriginal adults or Colonial Agents. By using threats, bribery, tricks, and persuasion, both adult groups worked their hardest to convince the "children". The Aboriginal adults "won" the game....which leads us to some interesting discussions about the situation BC First Nations people were in in the 1800's...the Indian Act, Reserves, and Residential Schools. Chapter 6 is under way!