Friday, September 11, 2009

The first week of school 2009!!!

Yay, congratulations everyone on a fabulous first week of school. I am so excited about this year, I think it's going to be a great one.

This week we basically went over course outlines, grade 8's don't forget to get them signed by your parental units. Grade 8's also went over the discipline plan for our class, show this to your folks as well.

We've been doing some introductory stuff, getting to know you games, and generally getting used to being in school again.

Homework for grade 8's: think about how you want to learn in Humanities 8 this year!

Homework for FNS 12: read pages 8-15 in your texts and do the worksheet I handed out in class today, it's due Monday.

Have a super weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!